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Weekly Log #61: Where Has All The Magic Gone?

My weekly ritual for looking at the week that was.

Weekly Log copy

This week was very low on “magic”.
And then I got a cold.
Hence, the late logging.

  • My digestion issues are better. I haven’t had to take a pill in almost a week, which is good. Yay for miraculous reprieves.
  • Then I got a cold. It seems like my issues in my First and Third Chakras (digestion) have moved to my Fourth Chakra (lungs). No idea what is happening. That said I’ve been visualising the clearing out of “grief”. Interestingly, I’ve found myself saying “I am sorry”, over and over again, to no one in particular. My guess is that this is pain I’ve picked up from other people, but which has nothing to do with me. It’s not “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done this”. It’s “I’m sorry you’ve been through so much pain”. Hoping that this cold clears out whatever grief I picked up from other people. So I might send light instead.
  • So much work at the day job. I am amazed at myself for working so many hours; nay last year I never thought I would be able to do it without losing all my marbles. A breath for progress.
  • Yoga process seems… stalled. Stagnant on the “spiritual”, “yoga”, “inner work” front. Epiphanies were very low on the ground this week.
  • Went to St Fagans with Tiny Friend on a truly sunny day. Grateful for having coffee and tasty things in the Sun.
  • My writing seems to be back. I published 2 posts in 2 days. W00t?!? I don’t think this has happened before, ever. Yay for unexpected burst of creativity.

Moments of Insight

I don’t think I had a “big” moment of insight this week.

But I did notice the grief I carry in my lungs (if that’s what it is).
I did recognise that I am done with carrying other people’s “emotional baggage” for them.

And I created the “Owlery”, aka: the place where correspondence with the “Outside World” takes place. A much more fun way of dealing with “Official Adult-type Stuff I Cannot Be Bothered With Because It Is Bills And Suchlike”.

Things of Considerable Worth (Un-missables!)


That’s it from me. Officially 3 posts published in less than 3 days.
I cannot believe my (weary) eyes.
Glowing love to the internet from this very wacky corner called “Widdershins”.

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Let the Light Reach You

The challenge facing us right now is this: we must find a way to keep going while we hold the suspicion that everything in our lives will get worse.
We must practice finding the light inside us.