
I’m a writer and yoga teacher.
I help people find ways to heal their pain and work with their fears, so they can start living how they want to live.
About Me
I grew up in South America. I now live in Wales.
I’m interested in social justice, narrative sanity and spiritual work.
At different times I have been a secretary, barista, waitress and yoga teacher. The yoga teaching world collapsed in 2020, and now I’m re-training to be a web designer.
My vision
I’m currently exploring what it means to live under the new story.
I believe that I ”those who don’t fit into the old world are meant to help birth the new one”.
I focus on the emotional and psychological effect of living in a world gone so very wrong.
How do we learn to stay sane in a world gone crazy?
My Story
At different times I have struggled with and I’m in recovery from: depression, suicide, anxiety, poverty, unemployment, homelessness.
I have been lost in the space between stories.
I’ve always known this world was wrong (sensitive) and I’ve always struggled with fitting in.
I was so stuck in literally every area of my life that to have focused on a single one wouldn’t have worked.
And indeed nothing worked until I found this approach, because it is UNIVERSAL. You can apply it to everything.
I am exploring different paradigms, including: yoga, shamanism, animism, non-violent communication, grief work.
At different times I have been a secretary, barista, waitress and yoga teacher. The yoga teaching world collapsed in 2020, and now I’m re-training to be a web designer.