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Is This You?

Is This

Hey, a whole page about you!


Hello there! 

I wrote this page to help you decide whether this work will appeal to you. 

Is this you?

You are ever so slightly prone to depression, or anxiety, or the regular feeling of “everything sucks”

You are feeling crushed by the weight of the question “what am I supposed to do with my life?”.

You want to contribute to the world, use your gifts, create something fabulous but for some reason it-is-not-happening, you have no idea where to start and you’re terrified of doing it anyway.

You want to find a way to live that actually makes sense for you. You find that the “conventional” way of living offered to you is not working for you and you need something else.

You can “feel” that BIG CHANGES are a-coming in the world and you’re trying to figure out your place amongst them.

You Are Just Too Good At Noticing All The Ways This World Is Just “Wrong”, And All The Ways In Which It Could Be Made “Right”.

Rock on! I’m happy you’re here. 

If this is you, and...

You want to learn to learn how to relate to yourself with kindness and compassion so you can have a conscious relationship with yourself and the world.

You want to learn more about yourself, find out where you get stuck, triggered, upset, so you can heal these spots and grow into your most fabulous self.

You want to be able to be in the world without turning away from the truth, even if it’s difficult or uncomfortable. You want to stay informed, without collapsing into despair.

You are ready to take responsibility for your own self-healing.

You want more than simplistic woo-woo stuff. You want substance and truth. Not just simple-minded platitudes that make you feel good for 5 minutes but don’t actually help you in the long run.

Read More

Can I interest you in some links to give you a clearer idea of what this is all about?


About Me

Hey, a whole page about me! 

Read my story and what I’m up to these days.


My Approach

Find out more about the basic principles behind what I teach


My Philosophy

My guiding principles what I believe in

Depression, anxiety, and fatigue are an essential part of a process of metamorphosis that is unfolding on the planet today, and highly significant for the light they shed on the transition from an old world to a new.

- Charles Eisenstein

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