Discouragement (2)

Working with Discouragement

We talked about being in "The Space Between Stories". This is a difficult concept to grasp, but it's essential that we do so, if we are the people for whom the "Mainstream Story" no longer works.
This workshop was a bit different. We talked about being in “The Space Between Stories”.

This is a difficult concept to grasp, but it’s essential that we do so, if we are the people for whom the “Mainstream Story” no longer works. And there’s more of us every day!

I also show how to do a Daily Check-In. It’s super easy, and can be done at any time.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

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Personal Practice

Let the Light Reach You

The challenge facing us right now is this: we must find a way to keep going while we hold the suspicion that everything in our lives will get worse.
We must practice finding the light inside us.

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