Weekly Connecting Practice: Body

In today’s connecting practice we are going to try to connect with our bodies. But only a tiny bit!

This is ideal if you don’t do yoga and you’re not even ready to do yoga (or any similar body-like work).

We all have stuff around our bodies. So doing something with our bodies *while* being fully aware of doing something with our bodies can be terrifying. And super challenging.

So if all you do is read this post, give yourself a pat on the back because this stuff is hard.


Connecting with our body

This is what we do

Recommended time: 5 minutes (or as much as you want)

  • Set some time and find a relaxing space.
  • Sit comfortably on a chair, sofa, bed, floor. Whatever is the most relaxing for you (I recommend the bed, right after going to sleep)
  • Close your eyes. Breathe gently.
  • Gently stretch your body in any way that feels comfortable, trying to breathe gently as you do so.
  • Arms, up and to one side then the other.
  • Folding your torso over your legs.
  • You can try massaging your arms and legs and feet, if you want.
  • Gently come back. You can lie down for a bit and, if you’ve done this in bed, go straight to sleep.


Once more: connecting with our bodies is super hard, so take this very, very slowly.

And remember that it’s a practice. A phrase which here means “we start sloppily and we get better at it with time”.


IMPORTANT! One more thing: don’t turn this into a “should”. If it doesn’t feel “blissful”, “enjoyable” or remotely appealing, don’t do it. Try something else instead.

The last thing you need is to begin associating “connecting to yourself” with “unpleasant things other people tell you to do”.


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Personal Practice

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