My weekly ritual for looking at the week that was.
There wasn’t much “brightness” this week. Ie: There weren’t that many “joyful / productive moments”.
But I was here all the same. And I am here now. Because life.
Let’s log.
- More struggling to write or do things. Also, why is it so hard to stop measuring one’s life in terms of “hours worked” or “money made”? *sigh* A breath for release.
- Sad days. No brightness. Cold weather. Grey skies. A breath for joy finding its way back.
- That said, there were a couple of times this week when I was in “Intensely Vibrant Mode”. A breath for self-knowledge and learning things about myself.
- Serious Pranayama Practice still going, though results are less intense. That said, I wrote a post with the insight I got on Tuesday. A breath for patience.
- Progress on the “thing I’ve been trying to do for 3 months”. Yay.
- Friends. Yay for friends.
- I tried on a dress! I actually tried on a dress! I’m counting this. I am giving myself a lot of points.
- Tiny Miracle on Saturday night. Gosh, I was so happy I couldn’t sleep. A breath for unexpected good things!
Moments of Insight
One moment of insight this week led to this post: Our Default is Peace.
The other insight came courtesy of the Tiny Miracle on Saturday.
I call it “Tiny Miracle” not because it was small to me (it wasn’t!), but because I struggle with the idea of “miracle”.
I’ve always wanted miracles in my life. And I can’t say I’ve had many…
But something happened on Saturday that I couldn’t have “made happen”.
I mean, I did set things up, sure. And I wanted it to happen.
But… from that to “actually happen and bigger than I was expecting”?
I have to conclude that I wasn’t the only one behind this, not entirely.
Correction: I want to think I wasn’t the only one behind this.
I want to begin to see life as a co-creation, co-partnering adventure with the Universe.
It’s that old spiritual concept of “release attachment to outcome”.
I want to do things and then… wait for the Universe to step in.
It seems to me that this is *always* what is going on, at all times.
But I want to begin to see it better.
I want to believe the Universe is wiser than me.
I want to focus on my end of the bargain, what I can actually *do*.
And then learn to accept what happens after that.
And trust that if it’s meant to happen, it will happen.
Things of Considerable Worth (Un-missables!)
- “How Depression Serves Us”. This is the post on depression I wish I had written. It is that good. Contains an overview of the different “levels” or “koshas” and the 5 elements. Just read it.
- Martha Beck, “Set it Free”. An overview of how to free your heart.
I am wishing…
More miracles. More expansion. More peace.
PS: I’ve been playing a lot on Facebook lately. You can like the Widdershins Facebook page here.